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Are you an artist, musician, author, performer or a business lover of the arts?


By becoming an ArtWorks of Westfield member, you can directly support the arts and cultural community in Westfield! 


Membership$35 annually


Supporting member - $100 annually


A member will have access to show and sell work or perform at any of our shows (pending acceptance). Just answer the call to art when you see it and mention that you are a member!


Business Membership - $200 annually


Your membership will help our community with free events for all residents and visitors.


All money raised goes DIRECTLY back into our community and is used to provide materials, logistical support, fees and associated costs with our community engagement. 


Your Tax-Deductible Annual Membership will support everything we do to promote local arts and cultural activity and build a vibrant community-minded organization operated and funded entirely by volunteers.


Our team of volunteers and the community thank you for your support!

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